Our Vision


At Bee Pure Wellness, we are cultivating a community centered around health, wellness, and family. Our community, which we call our Bee Hive, comprises talented artists, health care professionals, fitness instructors, local business owners, wellness enthusiasts, and beyond. We are constantly inspired by feedback from our hive mates, and always consider new ways to add researched-based products and services that aid in beauty, vitality, lifestyle, and immunity. Synonymous with a natural beehive, we strive to create a safe and cooperative space to flourish and grow. Welcome to the Hive 🍯


  • Owner

    Beepurewellness is a place of community, it is an opportunity for me to showcase other amazing business owners and help them grow their own talents. Beepurewellness has allowed me to grow a beautiful safe haven for those looking for like-minded people


Meet our Family


  • General Manager/Esthetician

    BeePureWellness was created out of a labor of Love through Jillian and me. We wanted to make it into a very comfortable community-based space for everyone to come, hang out and enjoy each other's company. Our wellness center has fantastic people that come in I enjoy seeing them each and every day.


  • Graphic Designer

    To me, BeePureWellness is more than just a store -- it's a family. As one of the younger staff members, I consistently feel guided and supported by my coworkers and management. Aiding in building a space where people can feel happy and relaxed has always been one of my goals, and working at BPW has helped me achieve that.


  • Member Specialist

    Beepurewellness is a wonderful place to shop, de-stress, and relax. I love working here and the staff feels like family! It is one of my favorite places to be and I always know I can be at peace here!


  • Esthetician

    You might see Bee Pure as just another amazing wellness center, but to me, it’s a home away from home. A place where you can be accepted loved, and educated all simultaneously. We don’t have customers… we have family, and in our hive, no bee gets left behind.


  • Brand Wizard

    Being able to contribute to the BPW vision has been a humbling experience. As a former member (turned Wizard), I have had a 360-degree view of what it's like to be part of the community. The feelings of love, inclusion, and growth are palpable from all sides. I trust that what is being built here will send ripples through the local wellness scene and beyond.